Pleasants County Schools is currently experiencing issues with our outside phone lines. There is no current ETA on when this will be resolved. If the problem continues into the afternoon, we will post alternate contact numbers that can be called.
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Don't forget to "Fall Back" an hour at 2 AM on Sunday, November 7!
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
daily saving time ends this sunday.
This first grade student at SMES is learning to code in her STEAM class with Mrs. Cottrill. In this picture she is creating an algorithm with the correct sequence of commands to help Gracie rescue her pet.
over 3 years ago, Glenda Cottrill
Student coding
We are in need of substitue school nurses! Please see the image for details. (Those interested should use the professional application instructions.)
over 3 years ago, Office of Personnel & Certification
sub school nurse information. call 304-684-2239 for information.
This week, SMHS is celebrating College Application and Exploration Week! #CollegeBoundWV #IApplied!
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
group pictures
End of the First Grading Period
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
firse nine weeks
Friday, October 15 is an Early Dismissal
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Early Dismissal on Friday, October 15.
It's Homecoming Week!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Homecoming Week- Best wishes for a safe and fun homecoming. (with SMHS logo.)
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
Good luck to the SMHS Band at the PHS and PSHS Band Competitions (with a picture of the band.)
Congratulations to Catherine Hamilton- NFHS Coach of the Year 2020. She was presented with the award at the 2021 tournament.
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
Catie Hamilton being presented with the 2020 coach of the year plaque.
Congratulations Grant Barnhart and Brandon Lawhon!
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
state golf recognitions- grant barnhart and brandon lawhon
As a reminder, tomorrow, October 8 is a full day of instruction. The Early Dismissal will be on October 15.
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
October 8 is a full day of instruction. Oct. 15 is an early dismissal
We are now on Instagram! Our handle is: @pleasantscounty
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
state champion golf
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
October is National Principals Month!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
national principals month 2021, pictures of all pleasants county principals and a thank you note.
Congratulations to: Erika Becker, Madison Dennis, & Charity Hannah for passing the WV Nurse Aide Certification Examination through MOVTI!
over 3 years ago, St. Marys High School
Parent Teacher Conferences will be conducted on October 11 for BES/ SMES and October 12 for PCMS/SMHS. Sign-up forms will go home on Friday.
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Parent Conferences- Oct. 11 and Oct. 12
September 23 is School Service Personnel Day in WV!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
September 23 is WV School service personnel day (picture of Governor's proclamation.)
The October Early Dismissal will now be on Friday, October 15.
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
the october early dismissal will now be on Friday, October 15.