USDE OSERS OCR Special Education Guidance 3 18 2020
Questions and Answers regarding special education services during the COVID-19 school closure
USDE OSERS OCR Special Education Guidance 3 21 2020
This document contains two separate letters. The first is regarding FAPE and the second addresses timelines for IEPs, Initial Evaluations, Reevaluations, and Eligibility. It also includes guidance for Birth-to-3 and public education timelines.
Multiple links to most current information regarding education during the COVID-19 school closure
Random Moment Time Study and COVID-19 Closures
Ebook for Coronavirus (printable)
TeachTown Transition to Adulthood Brochure
TeachTown Social Skills Brochure
TeachTown Training Webinar Schedule
Online Social Story about COVID-19Students can view this social story online and click through the pages.