Pleasants County School Nurses
Belmont Elementary School & Pleasants County Middle School
Keri Straight, BSN, RN
510 Riverview Drive
Belmont, WV 26134
Phone: 304-299-5276
Fax: 304-665-2451
St. Marys High School & St. Marys Elementary School
Shannon Bandy
317 Washington Street
St. Marys, WV 26170
Phone: 304-299-5277
SMES Fax: 304-684-2640
SMHS Fax: 304-684-3859
St. Marys Elementary School
Allison Raper, LPN
317 Washington Street
St. Marys, WV 26170
Phone: 304-299-8106
SMES Fax: 304-684-2640
SMHS Fax: 304-684-3859
WVBE Policy 2423
Additional requirements for incoming 7th Graders begin school year 2017-2018!!! Health promotion through health check screens and dental exams continues for pre-k, K, and 2nd graders.
Immunization Requirements
Kindergarten-12th Grade Requirements
6th and 9th Grade Requirements
7th and 12th Grade Requirements
Health Information
Lice Policy, Pleasants County Schools
Wellness Report Results 2023-24
TICKSTick Removal, Symptoms of Tickborne Illness
ATTENTION incoming 12th Grade Students!!! NEW Health Requirements beginning FALL 2018!!!!
School Health Checkpoints for Students in Grades 2, 7 and 12
Dear Parent and/or Guardian,
Children who are healthy do better in school, live longer, have more productive lives and higher self-esteem. Please work with your child’s medical provider, dentist and school to make sure your child has a great future and healthy smile!
Starting in the 2018/19 school year, new students entering PreK or Kindergarten and students entering grades 2, 7 and 12 should show proof of a dental examination and HealthCheck/comprehensive health examination prior to entry into school. If your child is going into kindergarten and did not provide proof of a dental examination in PreK, proof will need to be provided for kindergarten enrollment.
The dental examination and HealthCheck/comprehensive health examination should:
Be completed within one year of the date of pre-enrollment or at the time of enrollment. There will be a grace period of 45 days from enrollment (first day of class) for students to provide proof of the completed dental and HealthCheck examinations.
Provide proof that the student completed a dental and HealthCheck examination within the last 12 months at the time of enrollment. Your school may provide a form to document a student dental examination or the Dentist may have their own form which should include at a minimum, the date when the exam was given and the Dentist’s signature. In order for the school to assist with follow-up care coordination, it would be beneficial if the information indicated the need for additional dental work.
Your child’s medical provider will provide you with the HealthCheck/comprehensive well child exam from their office.
If your child is enrolled in Medicaid, CHIP, or a health plan that includes dental coverage, or a supplemental dental plan, the exam will be paid. If your child needs insurance, please visit WVinRoads at to see if you qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. Insurance coverage for families can also be found at
If your child has already received their HealthCheck/comprehensive health examination and dental examination, please ask your child’s Doctor and Dentist to provide you with proof and then provide the documentation to your school.
Students in sixth grade also need to show proof of the booster dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough) and the first dose of meningitis prior to entering 7th grade. Adolescent immunizations are important to your child’s health.
Students in eleventh grade need to show proof they received a dose of Tdap vaccine. They must also show proof they received a second dose of the meningitis vaccine if the first dose of meningitis vaccine (MCV4) was given before the child’s 16th birthday. If the first dose was given after the 16th birthday, then a second dose of meningitis is not required. Proof of both vaccinations must be provided to the school prior to entering the twelfth grade. Adolescent immunizations are important to your child’s health.
If you have any questions about the requirements, need assistance with finding a Medical Doctor and/or Dentist, or coverage for the exam cost, please contact Jan Smitley, School Nurse.
For more information, please contact:
Medication Administration
Medication Administration Policy
Health Check Forms
Health Check Form for Headstart 3 year old
Health Check Form for Pre-K 4 year old
Health Check Form for Kindergarten 5 year old
Health Check Form for 2nd Grade 7-8 year old
Health Check Form for 9-10 year old
Health Check Form for 7th grade 11-14 year old
Health Check Form for 15-17 year old
Health Check Form for 18-20 year old
Other School Health Forms