The Community Concert Band will perform at SMHS on Tuesday, December 7 at 7 PM.

SMHS Winter Meet the Teams, Tuesday at 7:30 in the SMHS Gym.

Congratulations to these SMHS Students who had work selected to be published! The publication can be accessed at this link: https://www.wvup.edu/news/the-poorhouse-rag-wvu-parkersburgs-fall-2021-literary-magazine/

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Break! As a reminder, to help prevent the spread of COVID, we continue to ask everyone to do the "Daily Health Assessment" before entering our buildings.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ritchie Regional School-Based Health Center at SMHS will be closed Wedneday-Friday during the week of Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 18 is the Mid-Term for the Second Nine Weeks.
Mid-Term reports will be sent home on Friday, November 19.

The student COVID vaccine clinic has been confirmed for November 29th. Parents have until this Friday at 8am to sign up their child to be vaccinated. If you would like your child to receive the Pfizer COVID vaccine, please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/r/jVLQNsZ896
If you do not have access to fill out this form online, please contact your child's school for assistance. Signed parental consent will be required for students to receive the vaccine. The consent form (https://5il.co/r9q3) is posted to the Pleasants County Schools website and will also be sent home with your child.

Parents - This is reminder that this Friday is an early dismissal day. School will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. Parents of younger children need to have someone available to pick them up from the school bus. If you have any questions, please contact your school. Thank you.

With the colder months approaching, please remember the guidance chart for symptoms (posted as an image) to reduce illness in our schools. If you are unsure, please call the nurse that serves your child's school.

Friday, November 19 is an Early Dismissal

Pleasants County Schools is proud to recognize American Education Week 2021!

Our counseling departments encourage everyone to observe #WorldKindnessDay and #MakeKindnessTheNorm !

Honoring All Who Served

Schools and Offices will be closed to observe Veterans Day on Thursday, November 11.

Pleasants County Schools recognizes National School Psychologist Week! (Nov. 8-12.)

**repost/ reminder**

It appears our normal phone service has been restored. We will leave the emergency lines open for the time being in case our main lines go out again.

Pleasants County Schools main phone lines are currently down. An emergency line has been setup at each school in case you need to call.
BES – 304-665-2408
SMES – 304-684-2640
PCMS – 304-665-2451
SMHS – 304-684-3859