Parents – This is an additional reminder that today is an early dismissal day. We will be dismissing students at 1pm. We decided to make this reminder after learning that the Boys and Girls Club had to temporarily close until September 27th. You will need to make other arrangements if you had planned for your child go to the club this afternoon.

Parents - Don't forget that this Friday is a 1pm early release. Parents of younger children need to make sure they have someone waiting to pick them up.

SAT Results for Current 12th Grade Students will go home on Friday, September 17.

Friday, September 17 is the Mid-Term for the First Nine Weeks.
Mid-Term Reports will be sent home on Monday, September 20.

Friday, September 17 is an Early Dismissal.


In honor of those we lost, September 11, 2001.

Congratulations to our staff and students on their hard work!

All Schools and Buildings are closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the time with family!

**Update to Monday's SMHS J.V. Football Game**
The SMHS JV Football home on Monday, Sept. 6th, 2021 has been moved to a 6 PM start (rather than 10 AM.) Also, we will now be playing Wahama instead of Ravenswood.

PCS will send home student score reports for the Spring 2021 GSA on Friday, September 3.
Guides for understanding the score reports are available at: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/article/525559
If you have any questions, please contact your child's school.

Attention parents: This is a reminder that there are 3 state health requirements for all 7th grade and 12th grade students due this year. A 30-day grace period has been issued in order to obtain these. The grace period will end on Friday, September 17. Students can legally not attend school without evidence of required vaccinations. Again, those vaccinations are proof of a tetanus booster and meningitis shot. Also required is proof of a physical or well child exam which has to have been done within the last year. A dental checkup is the 3rd requirement which has to have been done within the last year. Please call your school and talk with the nurse for any questions or concerns. Documents can be faxed to either school. PCMS fax number is 304-665-2451. SMHS fax number is 304-684-3859. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

COVID Guidance Clarification

We are excited to “kick-off” Blue Devil Football tonight against Roane
If you are coming to support our Football Team, Cheerleaders, and Band please note the following:
**Gates open at 5:30 PM
**Kick off is at 7:30 PM
**It’s “youth/middle school teams and cheer recognition night”

Updated COVID-19 Guidance: Temporary Mask Requirement for PK-12 Students, Staff, and Visitors beginning Tuesday, August 24.

Today, the teachers at all four of our schools participated in an instructional strategies and tech. training with Apple Education. We are excited to put these new skills to use with our wonderful students and happy to partner with Apple! Pictured here is the training at SMES.

We are looking for a qualified Math Teacher for St. Marys High School!

Reminder: Early College Night is August 18th

We will be taking applications for the following jobs/ extra duty positions until Friday, August 20. (see image)

Attention: Athletic Boosters, Band Patrons, & School Support Groups- new gudiance has been released for those who handle food in concession stands by the Health Department. See the image for details on a class offering.