Document: Testing Transparency

(click the links for more information- if available; scroll down to the grade level you want to see)
Elementary Pre-Kindergarten
Integrated Subjects- The Creative Curriculum Teaching Strategies, LLC.
Elementary K- 4 and Middle School 5 only
Mathematics- ReadyMath- iReady Curriculum Associates
Expires at the end of FY29
English Language Arts- CKLA Amplify
Expires at the end of FY27
Science- Studies Weekly Science Studies Weekly
Expires at the end of FY28
Social Studies- Impact Social Studies McGraw-Hill
Expires at the end of FY25
Music- Quaver Music QuaverEd
Expires at the end of FY26
Art- Davis Art (adopted, but did not purchase)
Expires at the end of FY26
Special Education- TeachTown Supplemental Only
Health/ PE- The Children's Health Market The Great Body Shop (adopted, but did not purchase)
Expires at the end of FY26
Middle 6-8
Mathematics- ReadyMath- iReady Curriculum Associates
Expires at the end of FY29
English Language Arts- ELA Amplify
Expires at the end of FY27
Science- Amplify Science Amplify
Expires at the end of FY28
Social Studies- Networks McGraw Hill
Expires at the end of FY25
Music- Quaver Music QuaverEd
Expires at the end of FY26
Art- Davis Art (adopted, but did not purchase)
Expires at the end of FY26
Special Education- TeachTown Supplemental Only
Health/ PE- CUS Glencoe Teen Health McGraw Hill
Expires at the end of FY26
High 9-12
Mathematics Core (Algebra I/II, Geometry, Pre-Algebra, etc.) - Math Solutions- Carnegie Learning
Mathematics Pre-Calculus Only- Pre-Calculus- McGraw-Hill
Mathematics AP-Calculus Only- Calculus for AP, a Complete Course- Stewart-Cengage by Cengage
Expires at the end of FY29
English Language Arts- Into Literature HMH
Expires at the end of FY27
Science- Inspire Science McGraw Hill
Science Forensics Only- Intro. to Forensic Science and Criminalistics by R. E. Gaensslen (McGraw Hill)
Science Environmental Science Only- Environmental Science Bedford, Freeman, and Worth
Expires at the end of FY28
Social Studies- Networks McGraw Hill
Expires at the end of FY25
Music- N/A
Art- N/A
Health- Glencoe Health McGraw Hill
Expres at the end of FY25
Vocational Agriculture- Natural Resource Systems G-W Publishers
Expires at the end of FY28
Journalism- N/A
Spanish- Que Chevere! Carnegie Learning
Expires at the end of FY28
Special Education- N/A
Drivers' Education- Responsible Driving 6th Edition McGraw Hill
Expires at the end of FY25

SB 704 Resources for Teachers and Principals:

Instructional Resource Adoption
2023-2024- Review for Mathematics, to be adopted on July 1, 2024
Instructional Resource Adoption Materials
Mr. Eric D. Croasmun, Director
Eric Croasmun is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. He oversees Curriculum and Instruction, Assessment, Professional Learning/ Development, Certification, Personnel, and School Improvement.
Contact information:Email:
Phone: 304-684-2215Fax: 304-684-3569
His office is located at the Central Office at
202 Fairview Drive, St. Marys, WV 26170

What is the Science of Reading? One page reference read more here.
Science of Reading Teacher Resource read more here.
How can parents utilize the Science of Reading at Home? read more here.
How can parents help with reading comprehension at home? read more here
Ready, Read, Write WV- read more here

Want to learn more about i-Ready Math? i-Ready Central
For PCS Teachers: i-Ready Padlet

Third Grade Success Act- Resources from WVDE read more here.
Third Grade Success Act text of the bill
Third Grade Success Act assessment cut scores to define reading/ math deficiencies K-3: Cut Scores
K-3 Teachers: Notice of Math/Reading Proficiency Benchmark Scores Form Letter