We would like to recognize our Child Nutrition Staff for "School Lunch Hero Day 2022."

The SMHS Concert Band/ Vocal Ensemble will perform on Thursday, May 19 in the Auditorium at 7 PM.

In Recognition of National School Nurse Appreciation Day, we would like to recognize our nurses and health staff for PCS!

Congratulations Kamryn Armstrong and Allison Amos of SMHS!
2nd Place State Winners- WVDE Social Studies Fair.

To our teachers, we thank you for all you do!

It's not too late to register your child for Pre-K for 2022-23 (or Kindergarten if your child did not attend PK this year.) Call 304-684-2215 to register.

Updated Last Days of School:
*Pre-K: Thurs. May 19
*Kindergarten through 11th Grade: Wed. May 25

We are proud to annouce our County Personnel of the Year:
CAMARON LANCASTER- St. Marys High School, Teacher of the Year;
JODIE JOHNSON- Belmont Elementary, Service Personnel of the Year.
They will both represent Pleasants County in the state competitions.

Monday, April 25 is the Mid-Term for the Fourth Nine Weeks.
Mid-Term Reports will go home on Tuesday, April 26.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all of our secretaries, financial personnel, and administrative assistants! These individuals keep our school system running smoothly! (Debbie Crowe, Robin Bailey, Ashley Wilson, Ashley Dawson, Jennifer Lamp, Michelle Miller, Darla Knight, Tamara Meeks, Pam Cox, Jeanne George, Trisha Miller, and our substitute secretaries.)

Congratulations to our Personnel of the Year- Teachers and Service Personnel (school and department level.) On Friday, we will annouce the County Personnel of the Year!

Thank you to our many volunteers!

Please see the image for the current job vacancies for the 2022-2023 school year.

We are proud to annouce the new partnership between SMES and WVU-P! See the news article for more details: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/article/717495

No School for Students- April 11-18th. Students return on April 19th.

Today, the St. Marys High School Concert Band was recognized for their rating of 1 "Superior" at the 2022 Festival for Evaluation and Assessment. Congratulations to these students!

Today, the Pleasants County Middle School 7th/8th Concert Band was recognized for their rating of 1 "Superior" at the 2022 Festival for Evaluation and Assessment. Congratulations to these students! (Tomorrow, the SMHS Band will be recognized.)

Please be advised: on Friday April 8th SMHS will be holding a mock crash as part of Prom Promise. All EMS services will be involved in the mock accident. The event will be held in the back parking lot of SMHS from 9:00-11:00AM.

Congratulations to the Pleasants County Middle School and St. Marys High School Concert Bands- both bands earned SUPERIOR RATINGS for 2022!

Friday, April 8 is an Early Dismissal