Pleasants County Schools will be open on June 17. All summer services will continue as scheduled.

The Governor's Honors Academy has been creating opportunities and changing lives for rising seniors since 1984, and it continues to reach back into the past, pulling memories and relationships to the present.
This three-week experience on a college campus that provides active learning, energetic classes, and exciting, invigorating, and intellectually compelling activities will prepare students to become forces in their communities.
Congratulations to Lillian Blouir and Haley Farson on this amazing opportunity.

On this date in 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the flag. Both President Wilson, in 1916, and President Coolidge, in 1927, issued proclamations asking for June 14 to be observed as the National Flag Day. It wasn't until August 3, 1949, that Congress approved the national observance and President Truman signed it into law.

Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/instructions-and-forms/194249 Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/job--postings/194251

Dear Community- during the months of June and July we will have a large number of our students attending summer academic programs and many more stopping by our schools for the summer food program and other “drop-in” services.
Please exercise caution when driving near bus stops and near the schools as we will have students coming to the schools by bus, by car, and by walking.
Thank you!

COACHES/ BAND DIRECTORS: as a reminder, all coaches/ band directors (including authorized/ non-paid) who are under the WVSSAC must complete the Annual Verification of CPR/AED Training FORM each year.
If your certificate or card is valid from the previous school year (and is on file,) you do not need to resubmit a new copy of the certificate/ card, however, the verification form is required every year.
Download the form at: https://5il.co/siv8

Congratulations to our BACF All-Star Game Participants from Pleasants County! We were proud to be the hosting school district for the 2022 BACF Game and would also like to thank everyone who had a role in organizing and facilitating.

Superintendent’s Message
May 31, 2022
As we close another school year for 2021-2022, I would like to reflect on some milestones. St. Marys High School led by the senior class had many successes academically and athletically:
• 7 Valedictorians and 1 Salutatorian
• Scored #11 in the state of WV with high school rankings
• 9 students graduating with an Associates Degrees from WVUP
• 1 student who was the WV State Runner-Up for Poetry Aloud
• 26 PROMISE Scholars
• 4 individuals in the ACT “30 Club”
• Held the first Military Signing Day
• 100% voter registration with the WV Secretary of State’s Office
• $1.8 million dollars in scholarships
• 9 students received certification from the MOVTI
• Superior Band Rating for the SMHS Marching Band
• WV Class A State Golf Team Champions (3-Peat)
• 1 WV State Golf individual Champion/Medalist
• Boys and Girls Basketball made it to the WV State Basketball semi-finals
• 1 WV State Wrestling Individual Champion
• Girls Softball made it to the WV State Softball Tournament semi-finals
• Boys Track team #3 and Girls Track team #4 overall. 4 individual State Champions and 4 Runner-ups
Also, we are very excited to complete the athletic complex. Funding was set aside over a year ago and planning, design and mitigating the water coming off the hillside was a critical step in the process. The completion of turf on the baseball and softball fields will be a state of the art complex for our student athletes and community.
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. Keep safe in your travels.
Michael Wells

In honor of Memorial Day, offices and schools will be closed on Monday, May 30.

Parents: Any medications left at school need to be picked up by June 24, 2022. Any medications not picked up will be disposed of as per policy. Also, as a reminder for new medications next school year: the doctor medication order form can be printed off from the school webpage under the school nurse tab. A new form needs to be filled out each school year. Please call the school with any questions.

WV State Policy for "Proof of Enrollment" will change on June 9, 2022. Please see the image for details.

Graduation will be held on May 29 at 7 PM.
Congratulations Class of 2022!!

We are proud to announce our 2022 Golden Horsehoe Winners: Lilian Westbrook and Hunter Workman from PCMS!

We would like to recognize Ms. Field and Ms. Davis, the Speech Pathologists for our county for 2022 National Speech Pathologist Appreciation Day!

We are accepting applications for substitute service positions until Friday, May 13. The following categories are open: Custodian; Cook; Bus Operator.

PCMS Music Department Performance-
May 17th
Choir- 6 PM (Auditorium)
Bands- 7 PM (Gymnasium)

Reminder: Schools/ Offices are closed on Tuesday, May 10 (for the Primary Election.)

Senior Baccalaureate Service 2 PM
Small Ensemble Music 1:15-2 PM

We are accepting applications for substitute service positions until Friday, May 13. The following categories are open: Custodian; Cook; Bus Operator.

The 2022-2023 Proposed School Budget has been posted online: https://5il.co/sjxd