Welcome to our new full-time employees!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Welcome New Employees
PCS held its annual opening of school earlier today with opening remarks by Superintendent Wells, introduction of new staff, recognition of the community partners in education, recognition of retiring staff, and the presentation of the plaques for Teacher (Camaron Lancaster) and Service Personnel (Jodie Johnson) of the Year. Staff work for five days prior to the students' first day for professional learning, training, and preparation. Pleasants Co. Bank sponsors the Teacher & Service of the Year Awards and the Office of Dr. Heather Straight- PARS sponsors the retirement plaques. Thank you to all of our wonderful community supporters!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
opening of school
ST. MARYS HIGH -MEET THE TEAMS , Thurs., AUGUST 18th , 6:30-8:00 PM. St. Marys High Cheerleaders and the SM Athletic and Band Boosters wish to invite everyone to the annual Meet the Teams night. We will begin activities at 6:30 at Bill Hanlin Stadium. If inclement weather, we will move it to the SMHS gymnasium. Please come out and take a look at your Blue Devil band and all our fall sports teams. Let's Go Blue!
over 2 years ago, Howard Meeks II
(picture of band at band camp)
SMHS freshmen and new student orientation will be held in the auditorium at 6:00 PM on Monday, August 15th. We look forward to meeting our new students and parents.
over 2 years ago, St. Marys High School
We need a Math Teacher at SMHS! Come teach in a beautiful new building with state-of-the art technology, work with a great staff and great students! Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/instructions-and-forms/194249 Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/job--postings/194251
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Math Teacher Needed
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Update: Power was restored to SMHS late this morning. Our battery backups were able to prevent loss of phone and internet service while the power was off.
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Due to a loss of power at SMHS, Pleasants County Schools will be without phone and internet beginning sometime this morning. This outage could last from several hours to 1-1½ days. Service will be restored as soon as the power issue is resolved.
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Scholarship Archived Announcements.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Early College Night will be August 4th, see the image for details.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Early College Night- August 4
Last Chance Physicals will be offered at Ritchie Regional (SMHS Campus) on Monday, August 1. Please see the image for details.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
All Non-Full time Personnel must complete policy training by watching the training video and completing the form. This includess professional and service substitutes, coaches who are not also full-time employees, extra-duty employees such as game operations staff. Please see the form for details. https://5il.co/1ecao
over 2 years ago, Office of Personnel & Certification
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Marching Band Practices Begin on Monday, July 11 at SMHS. The full schedule is posted in the image. If any high school student that is not currently registered for band wants to join, please contact Assistant Principal Aaron Hickman by calling the school or email at wahickma@k12.wv.us.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
band schedule
Marching Band Practices Begin on Monday, July 11 at SMHS. The full schedule is posted in the image. If any high school student that is not currently registered for band wants to join, please contact Assistant Principal Aaron Hickman.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
band schedule
Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/.../instruc.../194249 Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/.../job.../194251
over 2 years ago, Office of Personnel & Certification
current job vacancies
In observation of Independence Day, all schools and offices will be closed on Monday, July 4th.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Happy Independence Day Clipart
2022-2023 First Days of School: Grades 1-12: August 17 Kindergarten: August 24 Pre-K.: August 29
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
first days of school: grades 1-12, AUGUST 19; Kindergarten August 24; Pre-K August 29
Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/.../instruc.../194249 Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/.../job.../194251
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun