Grade 11
* Sign up to take the ACT; go to and create an account
* Start your college search. Develop a resume that lists your abilities; preferences and personal qualities. List things that you might want to study and do in college.
* Go to and explore programs or study; take personality inventories and explore careers in WV.
*Take SMHS career day seriously and asks questions regarding the career to understand it more. Attend several different careers that you may be interested in.
* Read about majors and careers. Talk with your guidance counselor and explore personality tests at
Discover careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type along with examples of educational institutions where you can get a relevant degree or training
* Start thinking about financial aid to support your post-secondary education plans. Attend a college night offered in the fall of the year as well as the College and Financial Aid Planning night offered in January. Encourage your parents to attend your class meetings that are held throughout the year.
* Go to and as well as to read articles bout college applications, applying and paying for college. Talk with your guidance counselor about ways to prepare for the ACT and or SAT test.
*Familiarize yourself with the entrance requirements for the colleges you are thinking about applying to. Start visiting colleges to get a feel for what words for you. Tour at least four colleges. You should NEVER enroll at a college that you have not visited. Visit local colleges so you can learn what you do/don't want in a college. Visit the college website to schedule a tour or attend an open house.
ACT Registration and Deadlines