100 days!

100 days!

100 days!

100 days!

Pre-K is celebrating their 100th day today. Their shirts were amazing!

Congratulations Dorlinda Steele! Mrs. Steele, teacher at BES, has been awarded a 2021 Math4Life Classroom Educator Grant.

Parents of students in grades 3-8: If your child's school iPad is at home this weekend, please make sure it is fully charged for GSA Testing on Monday morning. Thank you!

BES has great representation today at WV Young Writers Day! Mrs. Sole, Rayleigh, and Principal Mrs. Taylor!

Reminder- GSA Testing for Grades 3-8 will begin on Monday, May 10. The schedule is posted on the image. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school.

In the coming days there is an expectation that the FDA will approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine for students 12-15 years of age. If you are interested in your child receiving the vaccine if it is approved, please respond to the survey (https://forms.office.com/r/kzCTWsS6T8) by Monday, May 10th, at 8:00pm. Your contact information will be shared with the WVDE and you will be contacted in the near future to schedule a vaccine for your child. Please call the school nurse with any questions.

2nd grade students have fun while testing their hula-hoop skills.

Attention 4th grade parents. It has come to our attention than an individual has tested positive for COVID-19. In accordance with the CDC and the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, all 4th grade students must stay home and quarantine for 10 days. They may return on Monday, May 17th. All 4th grade students will begin their state assessments (G.S.A.) on Monday, May 17th. While the students are home they should join their class via Microsoft Teams at 9:30 a.m. starting Thursday morning (05/06/2021). If your child is having trouble with internet connection they can call from any phone (cell or landline) to join the meeting. If your child develops any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, please contact the school nurse. As always, if you have any questions please call the school.

K-8th Grade Parents: If your child signed up for Summer SOLE you should recieve a "Confirmation Sheet" today notating the weeks the student is registered as well as a few other details. If you did not receive a confirmation sheet, please call the child's school on Monday morning.

2nd grade students tracking plant growth and exploring the benefits of sunshine.

Parents this is reminder that this Friday is an early dismissal day. School will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. Parents of younger children need to have someone available to pick them up from the school bus. If you have any questions, please contact your school. Thank you.

April 21 is Administrative Professionals Day! We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the hardworking individuals who keep the financial, secretarial, documentation and many other aspects of our school system running smoothly.

We are loving our new app! Access documents,
events, news updates, and even emergency notifications,
right from your pocket. Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/37t5NHX or iPhone: https://apple.co/37qEGgI.

We are happy to announce our school/ department service personnel of the year for 2021. D. Crowe- BES; E. Smith- SMES; J. Smith- PCMS; D. Wagner- SMHS; N. Hearn- Maintenance Dept.; K.D. Lamp- Transportation Dept.

We are happy to announce our school teachers of the year for 2021. J. Casto- BES; T. Satterfield- SMES; M. Nelson- PCMS; H. Meeks- SMHS.

BES students came back from Spring Break to find all new SMART Board Interactive Displays installed in their classrooms. All Belmont Elementary instructional areas received a new 75" SMART display mounted on a height adjustable mount.