This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, June 1st is the last day of school for our students and will be a full day with regular dismissal times. At 8:45 am we will be going to the gym to have another go at the talent show. A link to the live performance will be provided through class dojo, our school webpage and our school Facebook account. We will then have our awards ceremony and after lunch students will have a Kona Ice treat. I hope to see all students tomorrow as we close out a very successful year at Belmont Elementary School.

In Honor of Memorial Day, our schools and building are closed on Monday, May 31. "On this Memorial Day, it is right for us to remember [those] for whom the call of their country has meant sacrifice." - President Lyndon B. Johnson.

After today we have one day left!!!

Tonight our Board of Education recognized the 2021 Teachers of the Year! Mr. Satterfield, Mrs. Casto, Mr. Meeks, Mr. Nelson. Thank you for your service!

More field day fun.

Today is BES Field Day! Fun times all around!!!

Attention: St. Marys High School will be hosting a county-wide Emergency Services Training on June 2nd, 2021. Local law enforcement, fire departments, and EMT’s will be present from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at SMHS. Part of the training will be a mock Active Shooter drill. Pleasants County Schools will be following A.L.I.C.E procedures. Selected county school employees will be present in the building. No students will be present during the training.

Attention Virtual Learning Families:
**Device turn-in will be conducted at the PCMS/ BES front loop for all Virtual Learners on Thursday, June 3 from 10 AM to 11 AM.
**At this time, all virtual learners should turn in any school-owned technology devices including iPads, Laptops, hot-spots, and any other school-owned accessories (keyboards, headphones, etc.)
**If you are unable to make it to this drop-off time, you need to call the principal of your child’s school of record to set-up an appointment to turn in your device(s.)
**All devices must be turned in by 3:30 PM on Friday, June 4.

Important Notice for 3rd Grade Students and Parents:
Due to updated information from the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, 3rd grade students WILL return to school on Tuesday, 05/25/2021.

B.E.S. Field Day
The BES Field Day for all K-4 students will be held Thursday, 05/27/2021. This is the alternate date for this event in order to allow all of our students to participate. Students should wear comfortable clothes (no swim suits, please) and TENNIS SHOES for the activities. Some activities will include water so students may (will probably) get wet. It is highly recommended that your child use sunscreen as we will be outside all afternoon. Please put your student’s name on the sunscreen and send a note if it is OK to share with other students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Belmont Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 26 @ 2:00pm. Join by calling 1-304-553-7794 with conference ID: 380 349 907#

Tomorrow your child will have the opportunity to either participate in or watch the school talent show. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot allow outside guests to attend the performance. We are planning on broadcasting the event on our school’s Facebook page and will be saving the performance so it can be viewed at a later time.

Updated guidance on when to quarantine if you might have been exposed to someone with COVISD-19:

A happy BES countdown tradition! We are making the most of our last few days!!

Good News for Pleasants County Schools' Campaign for Grade Level Reading and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program!

Good News for Pleasants County Schools' Campaign for Grade Level Reading and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program!

100 days shirt I missed earlier...

School Nurse Day- recognizing the work of Nurses Jan Smitley and Keri Straight. Thank you for all you do!

100 days! I tried to get a picture of every Pre-K student’s shirt. I apologize if I missed any.