Lots of students doing their B.E.S.T.
about 2 years ago, Belmont Elementary School
More students doing their B.E.S.T. at Belmont Elementary School!!!
about 2 years ago, Belmont Elementary School
good job
Please see the image for the school schedule for April 2-15. (Please note, this is subject to change if we would have excessive emergency cancellations between now and April 2. If this happens, we will post an update.)
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
April 2-15 school schedule
Students are now receiving "Paw"sitive (positive) office referrals from their teachers. We are celebrating our great students!
about 2 years ago, Belmont Elementary School
“Paw”sit ive students in Pre-K
“Paw”sitive students in 3rd grade
Today, 03/06/23, K-2nd grade students enjoyed a fun morning with Artsbridge!
about 2 years ago, Belmont Elementary School
having fun with Artsbridge!
March 3 is designated as Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day!
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
March is "Music in our Schools" Month!
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
march- music in our schools month
Call-in Registration for 2023-24 extends through March 3, 2023. This is for registration for students entering Pre-K. and Kindergarten (for those who did NOT attend PK.) If your child is currently in PK, you do not need to register for Kindergarten, they will automatically be registered for K. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Call in registration is through march 3, 2023
Today we would like to recognize those who have been selected as All-State Musicians for 2023. They will perform later this week in their respective concerts during the WV State Conference for The National Association for Music Education.
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
all-state musicians 2023
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
sub teacher advertisement
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
job vacancies
**Repost** (This was first announced on Jan. 27.) CALENDAR CHANGE FOR APRIL- Students will not report on April 11, 2022. Please see the image for details.
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Students will not report on Tuesday, April 11
February 22 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day.
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
bus operators
Pre-K call-in began today!
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Call in Registration for Pre-K will be February 21- March 3, Call 304-684-2215
Monday, February 20- No School for Students, Staff Reports,
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Presidents Day- No School for Students, Staff Reports, February 20.
Friday, Febuary 17 is an Early Dismissal.
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
early dismissal
Parents this is reminder that this Friday is an early dismissal day. School will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. Parents of younger children need to have someone available to pick them up from the school bus. If you have any questions, please contact your school. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Job Vacancies
Due to a bomb threat, Pleasants County Middle School and Belmont Elementary students are being taken to an off-site location due to a bomb threat. Students and Staff are Safe. An all-call was sent to BES/ PCMS parents with the name of the off-site location. If you want to pick up your child, please give us a few minutes to get set-up, we will send another message when we are ready. BES/ PCMS Parents- if you did not get the call, please call the Board Office if you need the evacuation location.
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
about 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies