Attention all Pleasants County Schools Student Athletes. This includes students needing physicals for park league teams.

Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/instructions-and-forms/194249
Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/job--postings/194251

Congratulations to our County Personnel of the Year for 2023!
Lori Mendenhall, BES, Teacher
Vernon Taylor, Transportation, Service

Today we would like to recognize our school/department-level personnel of the year. Tomorrow we will announce our 2023 county personnel of the year. Congratulations to everyone!

Tomorrow, students and staff in Pleasants County will wear purple and gold in honor of Natalea Mumaw.

GSA Testing will be the week of May 1. See the image for the full schedule.

Friday, April 14 is an Early Dismissal.

Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/instructions-and-forms/194249
Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/job--postings/194251

Doing their B.E.S.T. At BES!

More great students doing their B.E.S.T.

All schools will be dismissing at 1:00 PM due to inclement weather and the potential for high water and flooding. Friday, March 24, 2023.

Please see the image for the school schedule for April 2-15, 2023

Pleasants County Title 1 STEM night is a success! A big shout out to our amazing Title 1 staff. Thank you for all that you do for our families.

Thank you, 4th grade (Mrs. Steele). I've never heard a better rendition of Hot Cross Buns!

Friday, March 17 is an Early Dismissal.

Please see the image for the revised end-of-school schedule. Please note, if we would have to cancel school for any type of weather emergency (flooding, etc.) between now and the end of school, this may change.

Pleasants County will be on a 2-hour delay on Tue. Mar. 14, 2023.

Congratulations Whitley and Addie! They took second place at the Regional Social Studies Fair over the weekend!

Please see the image for current job vacancies. Instructions/ Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/instructions-and-forms/194249
Postings: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/employment/job--postings/194251

Congratulations to Trayton Hefner who placed 2nd at the Regional Social Studies Fair!