Orientation Sessions will be held for SMHS Freshmen and new students on August 17 @ 6 PM and PCMS 5th Grade and new students on August 16 @ 5:30 PM.

Sometimes doing for others can help usfeel empowered! Often there are peoplein our lives who need a connection or need to know someone is thinking aboutthem. Check out this month's Random Act of Kindness Activity from the Counselors at SMHS!

This week, Natalie Malone and Cara Masters are representing SMHS at the Governor’s Honors Academy!

Our offices (including all school offices) will be closed on July 5. Happy Independence Day!

Attention SMHS girls interested in playing VOLLEYBALL for the upcoming 2021 school season:
There will be a mandatory player and parent meeting on Monday, July 12th at 6 PM in the SMHS Commons followed by practice 7-9 PM. This meeting will kick off open practice for the summer and we will discuss
details and expectations of both the summer and season programs.
Additional SMHS Volleyball Summer Practice: July 12-16, 7-9 PM and July 19-23, 7-9 PM (SMHS Gymnasium.)

Current Job Vacancies:
Instructions/ Forms at: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/browse/194249
Postings at:

Attention Parents of incoming 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students: please be on the look out within the next several weeks for a delivery of free books! (The state will be using the student addresses in our computer system to mail the books.) Please see the image for details.

Reminder to All Coaches Who are Not Full-Time PCS Employees:
Please make sure your certification and authorization for 2021-22 is completed. See the image for details.
Cert. Link: https://wveis.k12.wv.us/certportal/
Form Download: https://5il.co/sftq

Summer Programs Schedule June 28 through July 1. (see image.)

Our offices (including all school offices) will be closed on June 21. Happy West Virginia Day!

Summer Programs Schedule for the week of June 21-25. (see image)

The following self-care activity has been provided by the Counseling Department at St. Marys High School.

Congratulations Brooke Ash!

Mrs. Carla Masters has done a great job this week with the students' art projects at Summer SOLE. We love seeing the creativity of these students!

Introducing the 2021-2022 Field Commander for SMHS! Natalie Malone

*repost* PCSis taking applications for Substitute Bus Operators from June 7-18. See the image for details.
Instructions and Downloadable Forms: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/browse/194249
Job Posting information: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/browse/194251

We are happy to premiere our Summer SOLE K-8 Virtual Art Show!
View the art show and see the students' amazing work at:

Daily lunch and breakfast will be available at St. Marys High School from noon until 12:30 pm. Meals can be picked up at the kitchen's back door located on the greenhouse side of the school. Questions? Please call Child Nutrition Director, Amanda Mote at 304-684-3047.

Day 1 of Summer SOLE is in progress!

The 2021 WVSSAC State Track Meet tickets will be sold digitally. Tickets will NOT be available for purchase at the gate. General admission is available by clicking the following link: https://gofan.co/app/school/WVSSAC