2nd Highest Percentage of Overall Academic Improvement for Math and ELA of the 55 Counties and Public Charter Systems in the State for 2022-2023.
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
2nd highest improvement
Become an AmeriCorp Mentor today!
over 1 year ago, Pleasants County Schools
Become an AmeriCorp Mentor
WVDE has acquired LiveGrades as gift from CityNet. LiveGrades has moved to a new URL https://livegrades.k12.wv.us/
over 1 year ago, Pleasants County Schools
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
current vacancy postings
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
2nd Grade Teacher Posting
Parents of Students Riding Busses This year, the Transportation Department has consolidated the two bus routes on Shultz Road. Beginning this school year, there will be one bus that will pick up all the students from the county line at Ingram Ridge to Route 2. If your student or students road bus number sixteen (16) or bus number five (5) last year, please look at the bus schedules that will be posted online and in the county newspaper the week of August 9th. Because of the consolidation, some of the pickup and drop off times have changed. Please consult the bus schedules (https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/documents/bus-routes-2023-24/494515) or call the bus garage at 304-299-5272 for more information. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Pleasants County Schools
PCS is implementing a new Bullying Prevention Program called "OLWEUS" in partnership with Marshall University and our behavioral and mental health teams and organizations. Today, the middle and high school teams are being trained and the elementary teams will be trained later in the week. The program is focused on long-term change that creates a safe and positive school climate.
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
participants in training
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
vacancies- July 31
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
sub cook, custodian, nurse, teacher positions available
Full-Time Employees: The back-to-school letter has been sent to all employee email addresses by Tamara Meeks. Please log in to your email to view the letter. If you did not receive the email, contact your building principal or supervisor.
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
The back to school letter for full-time employees email addresses by Tamara Meeks.
Please see the image for the first days of school for 2023-2024
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
First Days of School- Grade 1-12, Aug. 17, Kindergarten- Aug. 23; Pre-Kindergarten, Aug. 28.
Energy Express is cancelled for today, 7/25,2023, due to the power being out.
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
Alt. Ed. Teacher notice
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
aide position
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
Teaching Position
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
This message is for all non-full time employees. All non-full-time personnel such as professional and service substitutes, coaches- including authorized/ non-paid coaches, extra-duty employees, and contract employees, must complete the "Non Full-Time Employee Policy Training." Information is posted on pleasants county schools.com under "news."
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
July 3- All offices and schools are OPEN. July 4- All offices and schools are closed.
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun
July 3- Open; July 4- Closed
Energy Express is off to a great start, but they need help with providing snack pack items. If you, or an organization you are connected to want to donate, these items can be dropped off at the St. Marys Elementary office to the attention of Mrs. Eddy. Energy Express runs through the end of July. Any donations will help our kids! Snack pack- needed items Drinks Small water Juice bottles or packs Food Pudding cups Fruit cups Applesauce cups Cereal bars Fruit snacks Peanut butter/cheese crackers Pop tarts Small cereal boxes Chef Boyardee's individual foods Mac and cheese boxes or individual cups Ramen noodles Etc.- Basically anything that is individually wrapped
over 1 year ago, Eric Croasmun