Attention parents: If your student is entering Pre-K, Kindergarten (new enrollees) 2nd, 7th, or 12th grades in the fall, they have certain health requirements that will be due before they can attend (WVCode 16-3-4 and 64CSR95).
Pre-K Requirements:
-A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider)
exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date.
B- 3 doses
4 doses
1 dose
-IPV 3
-MMR 1
New Enrollees of Kindergarten (those who have not attended Pre-K)
-A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider).
These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date.
4 doses (last dose must be after 4th birthday)
-IPV 3
doses (last dose must be after 4th birthday)
-MMR 2
2 doses
B 3 doses
2nd Grade Requirements:
-A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider).
These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date.
7th Grade Requirements:
-A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider).
These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date.
(tetanus booster)
12th Grade Requirements:
-A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider).
These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date.
(tetanus booster)
(meningitis booster) Must be given after 16th birthday
Records can be dropped off at your child’s school or faxed to the school.
Please call your child’s school nurse if you have any questions.