Pleasants County Schools follows the state standards for administration of medication (WVDE Policy 2422.8) in West Virginia public school systems. Of particular importance are students who are prescribed LIFESAVING MEDICATIONS as detailed below in WVDE Policy 2422.7 10.1g. 10.1.g. Designated school personnel shall receive and review the emergency medication and medication authorization form and obtain authorization from the certified school RN to administer the medication. The student shall not attend school until both the administration form and medication are signed and received to prevent risking the safety and welfare of the student. The SAT, Section 504, or IEP team shall consider the lack of emergency lifesaving medication(s) as child neglect. If your child requires a rescue asthma inhaler, Epi-pen, glucagon, insulin, or seizure rescue medication at school, then the school nurse must receive the medication and the medication order form PRIOR to the first day of the new school year to ensure your child can attend school safely. A Medication Order Form can be downloaded and printed from the Pleasants County Schools website. Click “Departments” tab, then click “School Nurse” tab. Please complete the form with the assistance of your health care provider and return the form to the school nurse. The parent or guardian must also sign the form granting permission for the medication to be administered by school staff. If you have any questions, please contact the nurse at your child's school. Thank you.
10 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
10 months ago, Eric Croasmun
vacancy postings
Parents, any student entering second, seventh and twelfth grades are required to show proof of a dental and HealthCheck/comprehensive health examination prior to entry into school this coming fall. Students in seventh and twelfth grade are also required to have the Tdap and meningitis shots to enter. Unvaccinated students can legally not attend school. Please make an appointment with your child’s Doctor and Dentist to make sure they have completed the requirements and provide proof to the school. If your student has had a dental or physical exam within 1 year of the new school year, a copy of that can be brought to school. For more information, please contact your child’s school nurse or see the county webpage “school nurse tab” for more information.
10 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
School Nurse Day is Wednesday, May 8!
10 months ago, Eric Croasmun
BES was honored to welcome Willow Peyton today to speak to our students. She recited poetry, talked to the students about hard work and using their habits every day to succeed. All of our students were SUPER EXCITED about the ARTS programs offered in Pleasants County Schools. As always, we thank you for your continued support!
10 months ago, Belmont Elementary School
Willow visits BES
Please join us in recognizing our wonderful teachers in Pleasants County Schools!
10 months ago, Eric Croasmun
teacher appreciation week
Reminder: the GSA will begin on Monday, May 6 for grades 3-8.
11 months ago, Eric Croasmun
GSA schedule
Pleasants County Schools will provide meals to children during the summer. For more information visit
11 months ago, Eric Croasmun
Summer Feeding
11 months ago, Eric Croasmun
Vacancy Postings
3rd and 4th grade students attended the Career Fair today. They had lots of fun and learned about different pathways. Thank you to our School Counselor, Sara Love for organizing!!!
11 months ago, Belmont Elementary School
career fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
A very special shout out and a huge THANK YOU to all of the staff who planned, organized, decorated, chaperoned, and supported the 2024 BES Talent Show. I don't even want to know how you hung all of those props!!!! #yourjobisgreatwhenyouworkwiththeBESt!
11 months ago, Belmont Elementary School
Tonight kicks off the 20th BES talent show!! We are so excited for a tribute to the 80's!!!
11 months ago, Belmont Elementary School
80’s ladies
Parents - This is reminder that this Friday is an early dismissal day. School will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. Parents of younger children need to have someone available to pick them up from the school bus. If you have any questions, please contact your school. Thank you.
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
Hello, this is an important message about the upcoming MOVHD Mobile Dental Clinic. This clinic will provide services such as screening, cleaning, fluoride treatment, and if determined, sealants, X-rays, and silver diamine fluorine (SDF). The clinic will be held at St. Marys Elementary School on April 30 and May 01, 2024, and at Belmont Elementary School on May 07 and May 09, 2024, during school hours. This service is open to students who do not have a dentist, have not been to a dentist in more than a year, are under-insured, or do not have dental insurance. MOVHD will bill Medicaid and private insurance. A sliding scale will be offered to students without dental insurance. No student will be denied services due to the inability to pay. Please request an application form from your school nurse by returning the form that was being sent home with your student this week or by calling your school nurse. Applications for dental services need to be received on or before Thursday, April 18. Students will be granted an appointment on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are still a lot of spots open, so please sign up. Thank you.
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
11 months ago, Eric Croasmun
Pleasants County Schools will be on a 2-hour delay on Monday, April 15, 2024.
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
Pleasants County Schools will be closed on Friday, April 12, 2024 due to high water. Students should complete NTI packet (snow packet #3).
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools
Dental clinic
PCS will be on a normal schedule on Mon. April 8. Please see our safety protocols for the eclipse at (originally posted on 4/3/24.)
11 months ago, Eric Croasmun
Eclipse information
Pleasants County Schools will be closed on Friday April 5, 2024.Students should complete NTI (snow packet #2).
11 months ago, Pleasants County Schools