PCS will send home Spring 2021 GSA Results on Friday, September 3. Please see the image for details.
over 3 years ago, Academic and Personnel Services
gsa score reports will be sent home with 4th-9th grade students on Friday, September 3.
PCS will send home student score reports for the Spring 2021 GSA on Friday, September 3. Guides for understanding the score reports are available at: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/article/525559 If you have any questions, please contact your child's school.
over 3 years ago, Academic and Personnel Services
GSA score reports will go home on Friday, September 3.
We will be taking applications for the following jobs/ extra duty positions until Friday, August 20. (see image)
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
At the Opening of School Meeting, the following individuals were recognized by Superintendent Wells, Board President Straight, and Pleasants Co. Bank: Nurses Jan Smitley and Keri Straight; Retirees Kathy McHenry, Mindy Bussey, Eric Cunningham; Teacher of the Year Tyler Satterfield; Svc. Personnel of the Year Neal Hearn. Thank you also to all of our business partners in education!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
wells straight Jared
At the Opening of School Meeting, the following individuals were recognized by Superintendent Wells, Board President Straight, and Pleasants Co. Bank: Nurses Jan Smitley and Keri Straight; Retirees Kathy McHenry, Mindy Bussey, Eric Cunningham; Teacher of the Year Tyler Satterfield; Svc. Personnel of the Year Neal Hearn. Thank you also to all of our business partners in education!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
wells straight Jared
All school and district offices will not open until 10:30 AM on Friday, August 13 due to staff meetings.
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
We have been asked by the WV Department of Education to share the Broadband Enhancement Councils’ Speed Test link. Please take the time to run this speed test from your home internet in hopes of providing data points that may help someday improve broadband in our area. https://broadband.wv.gov/west-virginia-internet-speed-test/
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Attention parents: If your student is entering Pre-K, Kindergarten (new enrollees) 2nd, 7th, or 12th grades in the fall, they have certain health requirements that will be due before they can attend (WVCode 16-3-4 and 64CSR95). Pre-K Requirements: -A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider) These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date. -Hepatitis B- 3 doses -Dtap 4 doses -Varicella 1 dose -IPV 3 doses -MMR 1 dose New Enrollees of Kindergarten (those who have not attended Pre-K) -A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider). These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date. -Dtap 4 doses (last dose must be after 4th birthday) -IPV 3 doses (last dose must be after 4th birthday) -MMR 2 doses -Varicella 2 doses -Hepatits B 3 doses 2nd Grade Requirements: -A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider). These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date. 7th Grade Requirements: -A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider). These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date. -Tdap (tetanus booster) -MCV4 (meningitis) 12th Grade Requirements: -A dental exam and Health Check screening (physical well child exam from medical provider). These exams must have been completed within 1 year prior to enrollment date. -Tdap (tetanus booster) -MCV4 (meningitis booster) Must be given after 16th birthday Records can be dropped off at your child’s school or faxed to the school. Please call your child’s school nurse if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
LiveGrades is setup and active for the new school year.
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
First days of school! See you in a few weeks. (See image for details)
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
first days of school
Please see the image for our School Recovery Guidance for 2021-2022.
over 3 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
(re-post) Reminder: The last day to turn in bids will be Friday, July 16 for Subsitute Service Positions (Custodian, Bus Operator, Classroom Aide, Secretary.)
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
sub service applications will be accepted through friday.
If your child attended K-8 Summer SOLE in Pleasants County, we kindly ask that you complete the state survey at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3JFQKT7
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
First Days of School for 2021-2022! (see image for details.)
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
First Days of School: grades 1-12 August 19; kindergarten August 25; Pre-K August 30
We are looking to add individuals to our substitute service personnel lists for Custodian, Bus Operator, Aide, and Secretary. We will be accepting applications through July 16th. No prior experience or certifications required to apply! Forms can be downloaded from: https://www.pleasantscountyschools.com/browse/194249
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
We are accepting applications for Sub Custodians, Bus Operators, Aides, and Secretaries. Apps are open now through July 16.
Our offices (including all school offices) will be closed on July 5. Happy Independence Day!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Independence Day
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Attention Parents of incoming 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students: please be on the look out within the next several weeks for a delivery of free books! (The state will be using the student addresses in our computer system to mail the books.) Please see the image for details.
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
WV Blue Ribbon Book Club
Our offices (including all school offices) will be closed on June 21. Happy West Virginia Day!
over 3 years ago, Eric Croasmun
WV Day
Summer Programs Schedule for the week of June 21-25. (see image)
almost 4 years ago, Eric Croasmun
JUNE 21-25 SOLE will be June 22-25; No ESY this week.