Boys and Girls Club will be closed today due to lack of available staff, no after school programming will occur today. (3/11/22)

School Maintenance Appreciation Day- March 4.

March 2 is Read Across America Day- "Dr. Seuss Day."

We are happy to annouce our winners for the 2022 Young Writers Contest! Good Luck in the State Competition!

March is Music in Our Schools Month!

Congratulations to our County Winners for Math Field Day! The Western Regional Competition will be hosted by WVU-Parkersburg on March 15.

Pre-K and Kindergarten (for students who did not attend Pre-K) Call-In Registration continues through Friday, March 4th. Please see the details at this link:

Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten (for students who did not attend Pre-K) is now in progress through March 4th. Please call 304-684-2215 to register your child.

February 22 is recognized as School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. We would like to recognize our hardworking members of the Transportation Department.

Happy Presidents' Day!

Friday, February 18 is an Early Dismissal.

No School for Students on Monday, February 21st.

Beginning Monday, February 14, the Staff and Student Mask Mandate will be lifted and returned to the status of optional (but recommended) masks/ face coverings. Please see the image for details.

As we prepare for Grades 3-8 Spring Assessment, we would like to inform parents and students of the testing dates in May 2022.


Pleasants County will be non-traditional learning on Friday, February 4, 2022. Students should complete snow packet #5.

Pleasants County Schools will be on a 2-hour delay on Friday, February 4, 2022.

Pleasants County Schools will be dismissing early at 1:30 on Thursday, February 3, 2022 due to flooding and the impending winter storm.

Friday, February 4 is the Mid-Term for the Third Nine Weeks.
Mid-Term Reports will be sent home on Monday, February 7.

Pleasants County Schools will be non-traditional learning on Friday, January 28, 2022. Students should complete snow packet #4.