over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Happy Constitution Day and Celebrate Freedom Week!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
constitution day
Today is the Mid-Term of the 1st Nine Weeks
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Parents this is reminder that this Friday is an early dismissal day. School will be dismissing at 1:00 p.m. Parents of younger children need to have someone available to pick them up from the school bus. If you have any questions, please contact your school. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Friday, September 16 is an Early Dismissal.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Early Dismissal Schedule
Update: BES is back to the building, PCMS there is a slight delay so they could finish eating lunch. Thank you! -- Update: 12:01 PM: PCMS and BES Parents: The building is safe, clear, and no threat was found. Law enforcement has cleared the PCMS/BES Complex with all appropriate protocols. PCMS/BES Parents were sent an all-call with further details about their students. ---- Update 11:20 AM: PCMS and BES Parents: An all-call was sent out with the evacuation location. If you wish to pick up your child, please go to the evacuation location in the message, otherwise, after law enforcement has cleared the buildings, students will be returned to PCMS/BES and follow normal dismissal procedures. If there are any other updates, we send another message. If you did not get an all-call and need this information, please call the board office 304-684-2215. --- Update 10:58 AM: The issue is a bomb threat. We are evacuating out of caution and will follow the protocol for these types of events.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Announcemen of Fall Parent/ Teacher Conferences. Please see the image for details.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Announcement of Conferences
Schools and Offices will be closed on Monday, August 5 in observation of Labor Day. Staff and Students will not report.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
labor day
Parents - Please ignore any calls about a student being absent. Our attendance system has not yet been setup to work with our new Student Information System. We are not sure what is going on, but are attempting to cancel these calls ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience!
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
Parents and Students - The state of West Virginia has moved to a new Student Information System WVEIS 2.0 (SIS). At this time, we are still waiting for the data integration with the new SIS and LiveGrades to be completed. Hopefully this will be completed soon. We are also finalizing the integration of the new SIS with our calling system. This should happen within the next couple of days for general calls. The state is not sending attendance data yet, so it will likely be a while longer before attendance calls start back up. We appreciate your patience while we work through all of the changes we are facing to start the new school year.
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Reminder: The campus of Pleasants County Middle School / Belmont Elementary School will be CLOSED to the public/ visitors on Monday, August 15th from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM by law enforcement to conduct an active shooter drill at PCMS.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
PCMS Safety Drill
Thank you to our entire community, our business partners, and our educational partner for the continued support. Together, we have one focus: all students achieving in Pleasants County!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
community partners
We thank our recent retiring employees for their service to the students of Pleasants County Schools!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
retired employees
Welcome to our new full-time employees!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
Welcome New Employees
PCS held its annual opening of school earlier today with opening remarks by Superintendent Wells, introduction of new staff, recognition of the community partners in education, recognition of retiring staff, and the presentation of the plaques for Teacher (Camaron Lancaster) and Service Personnel (Jodie Johnson) of the Year. Staff work for five days prior to the students' first day for professional learning, training, and preparation. Pleasants Co. Bank sponsors the Teacher & Service of the Year Awards and the Office of Dr. Heather Straight- PARS sponsors the retirement plaques. Thank you to all of our wonderful community supporters!
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
opening of school
The campus of Pleasants County Middle School / Belmont Elementary School will be CLOSED to the public/ visitors on Monday, August 15th from 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM by law enforcement to conduct an active shooter drill at PCMS. Parents: if you need to visit the school, please make arrangements to do so this week, in the morning of Aug. 15, or August 16 or later to avoid this time.
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
school safety drill
over 2 years ago, Eric Croasmun
current job vacancies
Update: Power was restored to SMHS late this morning. Our battery backups were able to prevent loss of phone and internet service while the power was off.
over 2 years ago, Pleasants County Schools